what does n a mean In English the abbreviation n a or occasionally n a stands for not available The corresponding German translation would be nicht verf gbar Is there a German abbreviation delivering the exact same meaning as nicht verf gbar which would be commonly understood without explicit explanation english to german
But it did not match the official tone of the surrounding text W rde mich wundern im Umfeld englischer Vokabeln weight size large dt Abk zu finden k A is the abbreviation of keine Angabe which can translated to no specification or no information n b means nicht bekannt or not known It consists of a preposition in a possessive pronoun deiner and a noun Stadt In such a group pronoun and noun always must be in the same grammatical case which here is dative case In other constellations you can have other cases It is the preposition that dictates which case it has to be The preposition in comes in many
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32 This question also has an answer here in German Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen nun und jetzt I hear nun and jetzt used a lot but I ve not been able to pick out what the difference is between them Could anyone give some clarification on any differences between the two please Blatt fl chiges meist durch Chlorophyll gr n gef rbtes Organ der h heren Pflanzen das zur Assimilation Wasserverdunstung und Atmung dient Laub s mtliche Bl tter eines Baumes oder Strauches I was also discussing it quickly with a German friend today Note I also know that der Laubbaum deciduous tree
Edited answered Add a comment 1 m and m 14 m vierzehn Quatratmeter 3 18 m drei Komma eins acht Kubikmeter 3 18 m drei Komma achtzehn Kubikmeter only if there are exactly 2 digits after the comma technically it s just a pseudo unit but as matter of Language it is a unit Sorted by The difference between strong past participle with en and weak past participle with t verbs is that strong verbs constitute a relatively small closed class whereas the number of the weak verbs is large and always growing This is because new verbs inflect weakly gemanagt gebloggt gedopt gebootet getwittert
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