what should the bottom number on your blood pressure be The bottom diastolic number in blood pressure plays an essential role in heart health Diastolic pressure is the pressure during the resting phase between heartbeats as coronary vessels supply oxygen
Use our blood pressure chart to learn what your blood pressure levels and numbers mean including normal blood pressure and the difference between When I am monitoring my blood pressure which number is most important top bottom or both A While both numbers in a blood pressure reading are essential for diagnosing and treating high blood
what should the bottom number on your blood pressure be
what should the bottom number on your blood pressure be
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The top number measures your systolic blood pressure and the bottom number measures your diastolic blood pressure Systolic blood pressure measures the force that s exerted on your arteries when Unless your doctor tells you otherwise your blood pressure should be below 135 85 based on home or ambulatory monitoring or 130 80 or below for people with heart disease
The bottom second number diastolic pressure is always lower since it reflects the pressure inside the arteries during the resting phase between heartbeats As it turns out both systolic and diastolic If your top number is under 90 or your bottom number is under 60 you may be diagnosed with low blood pressure Use the chart to see where your numbers sit If your top number systolic pressure is
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The bottom number known as diastolic is the amount of pressure from blood pushing against the artery walls when the heart is at rest between heartbeats When either number is too high for too A blood pressure reading features two numbers a top number which is called systolic blood pressure and a bottom number which is called diastolic blood pressure What Is Systolic Blood
Systolic pressure the upper number in a blood pressure reading measures how hard the heart pumps blood into arteries Diastolic the bottom Systolic the number on top pressure exerted when the heart pumps blood throughout the body Diastolic the number at the bottom pressure exerted when the
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what should the bottom number on your blood pressure be - The 80 is the bottom number and is known as diastolic blood pressure This is the pressure measured between your heartbeats when your heart is relaxing While